WATER BOOKS / WATER LIBRARY (in development) focuses on water as material, subject, & metaphor. 

What does it mean, and how does it feel to open a book that’s made of water?  There are many publications on the Pacific Ocean, but none that are composed of it’s actual substance.  What type of information could this offer?  How might this differ from holding a book made from the Colorado River?  Or looking through a volume set of the Great Lakes?  A book made from last-month’s thunderstorm?  It’s all water after all – flowing slowly through the hydrologic cycle. There’s a certain measure of absurdity in all these subdivisions and all this partitioning of knowledge and material.  As if we can say for certain where the water from one ocean stops and another begins. 

I’m interested in using these water-book-objects to raise questions about global water circulation (both natural and bottled), the meaning of place, the emotional connections we develop to particular bodies of water, and the knowledge & poetry embedded in material, as opposed to text.

The water books are meant to be handled, opened, and ‘checked out’ as any other library book.  I'm developing a traveling collection with books of different sizes, housed within an overall Water Library, and have started the collection with my personal Water Biography. 




Water Books / Alps Art Academy